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Education Technology Consulting

EduTech Consulting


Education Technology Consulting is a very general term. I am passionate about designing learning journeys and content for digital learning platforms and in-person professional learning workshops, student incursions, and presentations. I work closely with my clients to develop strategies, design eLearning journeys and drive change usually through storytelling in some form.

I provide the following services:

  • eLearning and Digital Technologies strategic planning and implementation
  • Instructional design
  • Technology integration and planning
  • Course and curriculum design
  • Course and program evaluation
  • Assistance with emerging technologies and online and blended learning
  • Teaching technologies
  • Technology training and support
  • Video and audio scripting and development

Teaching and Learning

My consulting and content curation centres around the following 5 pillars of high impact teaching and learning principles:

  1. Relevant and meaningful
  2. Engaging
  3. Inclusive
  4. Transparent and explicit learning intentions and success criteria
  5. Introspection and reflection

Some past areas/topics of education technology consulting include:


I partner with K-12 schools, Not For Profits (NFP), and corporate entities.

Curriculum Alignment and AITSL Standards

All content can be linked to any and all curricula currently used within Australia including Australian, Victorian, NESA, and Western Australia curricula, as well as with AITSL’s Teaching standards.